Tea and Books and Snow

The first two are nice but, although snow is good once or twice a winter (and those two snows nice and far apart), I vehemently do not approve of it snowing 3 successive weekends in a row. And an inch or more each time! North Carolina is failing me. Oh well. Anyway, tea and books …

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Green Leaves but it’s Cold!

Well, the leaves are turning a little bit, but not much. It has been cold though and that makes me happy. The only problem with cold weather is that it's ten times harder to get up in the morning and when I finally do, I'm freezing and it takes me an hour to warm up... …

Continue reading Green Leaves but it’s Cold!

What is it?

I drank a lot of tea today. You know those days when you wake up thinking, “Something wonderful is going to happen today!” Well, I'm not saying that today was necessarily one of those days, but something wonderful did indeed happen a few weeks ago and I'm really not saying that I woke up thinking …

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